Floyd Godfrey, PhD


Repentance, Surrender and Change

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD In our walk with Christ, we often hear about the necessity of repentance for forgiveness. But as we dive deeper into our spiritual journey, we encounter a more profound... Read More »

Understanding Sexualized Attachments

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Sexualized attachments represent a complex fusion of sexual urges with emotional and attachment drives, creating an intertwined pattern that often leads to confusion and... Read More »

Porn Addiction Recovery and the Three Circles Framework

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Porn addiction is a growing concern, impacting countless individuals and their relationships. Recognizing the signs of porn addiction is the first step toward healing and... Read More »

How Healthy Marriages Thrive on Communication

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD The foundation of a thriving marriage is built on effective communication. In the intricate dance of partnership, the way couples communicate can determine the health and... Read More »

Pornography Addiction and the Coolidge Effect

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Pornography addiction is an escalating concern in the digital age, with internet accessibility intensifying its reach and impact. One of the lesser-known yet significant... Read More »

Similarities Between Porn Addiction and Chemical Dependency

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Porn addiction has been increasingly recognized as a significant mental health issue, comparable in many ways to chemical addictions. Despite the differences in their... Read More »

Circle Plan Tips for Porn Addiction Recovery

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Porn addiction is a pervasive issue affecting individuals across various demographics. Recovery from porn addiction involves comprehensive strategies that promote long-term... Read More »

Mental Health Challenges Among College-Aged Men

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD The mental health of young men in college is an area of growing concern, with increasing rates of isolation, depression, and anxiety. As these students navigate the demands... Read More »

Shame and Its Perpetuating Cycle in Pornography Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Pornography addiction is a prevalent issue affecting individuals across various demographics, leading to profound psychological consequences. One of the most insidious... Read More »

The Importance of Managing Emotional States in Preparation for Disclosures

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Managing emotional states is a crucial aspect of preparing for disclosures, particularly in the context of addiction recovery. The intricate process of sharing deeply... Read More »

The Importance of Secure Attachment for Healthy Development

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD In the realm of mental health, the concept of secure attachment is paramount, especially during adolescence—a critical period for emotional and psychological... Read More »

The Impact of COVID Lockdowns on Adolescent Socialization and Coping Mechanisms

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD The COVID-19 pandemic brought about unprecedented challenges, with lockdowns significantly altering daily life. One of the most profound effects was on children's social... Read More »

The Rise in Depression Among Adolescents in the United States

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Depression among adolescents in the United States has seen a concerning rise over the past decade. Recent data indicate that more teens are experiencing feelings of... Read More »

Willpower is Insufficient as a Porn Addiction Management Tool

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Porn addiction is an increasingly prevalent issue affecting individuals across various demographics. While many believe that overcoming this addiction is a matter of sheer... Read More »

The Impact of Digitization on Adolescent Arousal Templates

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD In today's digital age, adolescents are bombarded with a plethora of information, including easy access to pornography. This omnipresence of explicit material creates... Read More »

Authenticity and Transparency: Creating Healthy Emotional Dynamics and Spirituality

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Authenticity and transparency are more than just buzzwords in our modern world. For those of us rooted in Christian faith, they are vital elements that can profoundly impact... Read More »

Tools to Overcome Pornography Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Pornography addiction is a widespread issue that affects many individuals, disrupting their personal lives, relationships, and overall well-being. This problem has been... Read More »

The Importance of Parents Modeling Healthy Behavior for Their Children's Emotional Health

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Parents play a critical role in shaping the emotional and psychological well-being of their children. The behaviors and attitudes that parents exhibit can significantly... Read More »

Using Love and Logic When Raising Teens

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Raising teenagers can be one of the most challenging phases of parenthood. The developmental stage of adolescence is characterized by a quest for independence, identity... Read More »

Effective Tips for Parenting Teenagers

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Parenting teenagers can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. As adolescents navigate the complexities of growing up, parents play a crucial role in guiding and... Read More »

Understanding Anxiety Symptoms in Adolescents

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Anxiety is a common mental health challenge that significantly impacts adolescents. During these formative years, anxiety can manifest in various ways, often disrupting... Read More »

Appropriate Treatment for Low-Risk Juvenile Sex Offenders

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Addressing the needs of low-risk juvenile sex offenders requires a nuanced approach that balances accountability with rehabilitation. These individuals, typically assessed... Read More »

Understanding the Triggers: Psychological Patterns Leading to Pornography Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD The rise in pornography addiction has become a significant concern for mental health professionals and individuals alike. With easy access to explicit content online, many... Read More »

The Difference Between Codependency and Prodependency

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Codependency has long been a recognized concept in the realm of addiction recovery, describing a pattern where individuals excessively rely on others to meet their emotional... Read More »

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Managing Mental Health

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Emotional intelligence (EI) has emerged as a critical factor in managing mental health, influencing how individuals perceive and navigate their emotional landscapes. With... Read More »

Coping with Grief and Loss: Therapeutic Approaches for Healing

Dr. Floyd Godfrey Grief and loss are universal experiences, touching every individual at some point in life. The impact of losing a loved one, a relationship, or even a job can trigger profound... Read More »

The Intersection of Physical Health and Mental Well-Being

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD The intricate connection between physical health and mental well-being has garnered significant attention in recent years. As researchers and healthcare professionals delve... Read More »

The Greater the Calling, the Greater the Testing

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD As we reflect on the quote, "The greater the calling on someone's life, the greater the testing," we uncover a profound truth about the nature of God's... Read More »

How Men Can Approach Their Wives When Addicted to Pornography

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Addiction to pornography is a significant issue that can deeply affect relationships, particularly marriages. When a man recognizes his addiction and decides to confront it,... Read More »

Accountability in Pornography Addiction Recovery Without Traumatizing His Wife

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD In the realm of pornography addiction recovery, the question of accountability is paramount. While it is crucial for men struggling with this addiction to be transparent... Read More »

The First Three Recovery Tasks in Sexual Addiction Recovery

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Sexual addiction, like many behavioral addictions, requires a structured approach to recovery. Dr. Patrick Carnes, a pioneering researcher in the field, outlines a... Read More »

Understanding the Difference Between Process Addictions and Substance Addictions

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue affecting millions worldwide, manifesting in various forms. The primary classifications of addiction are process addictions and... Read More »

Pornography Addiction as a Process Addiction Versus Substance Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Pornography addiction is increasingly recognized as a significant issue within the realm of behavioral health. Unlike substance addictions, which involve external chemical... Read More »

The Loneliness of Men

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Loneliness among men is a pervasive and often overlooked issue that significantly impacts mental health. Despite societal norms suggesting men should be strong and... Read More »

Why Most Teenage Boys with Porn Addiction Fail to Develop Authentic Connections

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Teenage boys grappling with porn addiction often find themselves in a cycle of isolation and frustration. Despite the urgency to break free, many struggle to form authentic... Read More »

Teenage Boys Addicted to Pornography: The Crucial Role of Support Networks for Lasting Recovery

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Pornography addiction among teenage boys is a growing concern, with lasting recovery hinging on two critical factors: the development of a robust support network and... Read More »

Myths of Pornography Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Pornography addiction is a topic shrouded in myths and misconceptions. Despite growing awareness about its prevalence and impact, many misunderstandings persist,... Read More »

Overcoming Self-Criticism in Teenagers: A Path to Healing Toxic Shame

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Self-criticism is a pervasive issue among teenagers, significantly impacting their mental health and overall well-being. This mental habit, characterized by an internal... Read More »

Sextortion: Protecting Adolescents from a Growing Threat

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Sextortion, a form of sexual exploitation and blackmail, is an alarming issue affecting adolescents today. This insidious crime involves predators coercing victims into... Read More »

Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Adolescents and Young Adults: Symptoms and Treatment

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a prevalent mental health condition that affects a significant number of adolescents and young adults. Characterized by excessive and... Read More »

The Power of a Support Network in Overcoming Pornography Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Pornography addiction is a growing concern among Christian men, posing significant spiritual, emotional, and relational challenges. It is essential to understand that... Read More »

Porn Addiction Recovery and a Healthier Brain

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Porn addiction is a prevalent issue affecting individuals across various demographics. Its impact is both profound and multifaceted, influencing mental health,... Read More »

Recognizing and Addressing Pornography Addiction Across Different Stages of Life

Pornography addiction is a pervasive issue that affects individuals across various stages of life, including married men, young single adult men, and adolescent boys. Understanding the symptoms and... Read More »

The Impact of Pornography Addiction on Wives: A Silent Struggle

The prevalence of pornography addiction is a growing concern, affecting not only those directly involved but also their loved ones. Wives of husbands struggling with pornography addiction often face... Read More »

Clinical Research and Help for Sex and Pornography Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD As a clinician specializing in sexual addiction, I have seen firsthand the growing concerns related to pornography and sexual addiction in today's digital age. These... Read More »

Porn Addiction Recovery and How Your Brain Becomes Healthier

Pornography addiction is a growing concern that affects countless individuals, often leading to significant psychological, emotional, and social consequences. Recovery from this addiction involves... Read More »

Finding Freedom and Happiness in Porn Addiction Recovery

Recovering from porn addiction can be a transformative journey, leading to a profound sense of freedom and happiness. As individuals overcome the grip of addiction, they often experience significant... Read More »

Encouraging Yourself to Seek Help for Porn Addiction Recovery

Porn addiction recovery is a struggle that thrives in secrecy and isolation. Taking the step to seek help can be daunting, but it is a crucial part of the recovery journey. Here are some specific... Read More »

Steps to Porn Addiction Recovery

Porn addiction is a pervasive issue affecting millions worldwide. The journey to recovery requires a multifaceted approach that addresses both the psychological and behavioral aspects of the... Read More »

Helping Children Develop a Strong Self-Esteem and Improve Their Confidence

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD In today's fast-paced and often competitive world, fostering strong self-esteem and confidence in children is more crucial than ever. Self-esteem is the foundation of a... Read More »

The Destructive Power of Shame on Our Spiritual Connection with God

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD In my clinical experience as a Christian counselor, I have often encountered the debilitating effects of shame on individuals' spiritual lives. Shame can create a chasm... Read More »

Deepfake Porn: Implications and Safeguarding Strategies

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD The advent of deepfake technology has ushered in significant concerns, particularly in the realm of online pornography. Deepfake porn involves using artificial intelligence... Read More »

Effective Intervention for Juvenile Sex Offenders

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Working with juvenile sex offenders has been a profoundly challenging yet deeply rewarding part of my career. My experiences have shown me the complexities of these young... Read More »

The Interplay Between Generalized Anxiety and Porn Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Generalized anxiety and porn addiction are interlinked issues that often exacerbate each other. Anxiety, characterized by persistent and excessive worry, can drive... Read More »

Adolescents with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Vulnerability to Peer Pressure, Drugs, and Risky Behaviors

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Throughout my career as a mental health clinician, I have worked with many adolescents struggling with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). This condition often goes... Read More »

Exposure to Sexually Explicit Websites and the Impact on Adolescents

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD In my years of clinical practice, I have observed a significant shift in adolescent sexual behaviors and attitudes, largely influenced by the pervasive availability of... Read More »

Childhood Generalized Anxiety: Overlapping Symptoms with ADHD and Grief

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD In my years of clinical practice, I have encountered numerous children suffering from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). This condition is surprisingly prevalent, yet often... Read More »

Brain Structure and Pornography Consumption Research

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD As a clinician deeply involved in the treatment of sexual addiction, I often encounter individuals grappling with the far-reaching effects of pornography consumption. A... Read More »

Understanding the Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD As a Certified Mental Health Coach with over two decades of experience, I’ve had the privilege of working with numerous clients struggling with generalized anxiety... Read More »

Recognizing Covert Narcissism and Its Abusive Impact

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Covert narcissism is a form of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) that can be particularly challenging to identify. Unlike overt narcissists, who display obvious... Read More »

Adolescents and Pornography: A Review of 20 Years of Research

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD The prevalence of adolescent exposure to pornography has been a growing concern over the past two decades. As a clinician with years of experience observing the impacts of... Read More »

Mental Health in the Church

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Mental health is a topic that has gained significant attention in recent years, but it often remains under-discussed within the church. For pastors, church leaders, and... Read More »

How Teens Can Talk About Having a Problem with Porn

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Dealing with an issue like pornography can be challenging, especially for teenagers. It’s crucial to understand that seeking help and discussing these struggles is a... Read More »

The Psychological Impacts of Internet Pornography Addiction on Adolescents

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Internet pornography addiction is an increasingly prevalent issue among adolescents, posing significant psychological challenges that require immediate attention from... Read More »

Understanding Shame vs. Guilt in Young Single Adults

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Shame and guilt are often used interchangeably, but they are distinct emotions with different implications for mental health. While guilt can be constructive, prompting... Read More »

The Importance of a Father Helping Raise Children: Impacts on Family Mental Health

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Fathers play a critical role in the development and well-being of their children, with significant implications for the mental health of the entire family. Historically, the... Read More »

Helping People Suffering with Shame

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Shame can be a crippling emotion, leading individuals to feel unworthy, rejected, and isolated. In church communities, addressing the issue of shame is vital, as it hinders... Read More »

Shame Messages in Young Men with Drug Problems or Porn Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD In today's society, young men often grapple with powerful shame messages that drive them into isolation. These internalized beliefs can be deeply damaging, leading to... Read More »

The Pervasive Impact of Sexualized Media on Youth

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD The digital age has ushered in unprecedented access to content, significantly influencing the developmental landscape for young people. Amidst this digital deluge, a... Read More »

Prodependence: A New Perspective on Recovery for Partners of Sex Addicts

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD In recent years, the landscape of addiction recovery has been evolving, offering new insights and approaches for those affected by a partner’s addiction, particularly... Read More »

Possible Symptoms of Withdrawal from Sex or Porn Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Pornography addiction, like other behavioral addictions, can lead to significant withdrawal symptoms when an individual attempts to quit. Understanding these symptoms is... Read More »

Men’s Help for Porn Addiction: Understanding Cultural and Psychological Barriers

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Men struggling with sexual addiction often face profound pain, shame, and emotional distress. This internal turmoil frequently leads them to withdraw rather than seek the... Read More »

Dangers in Furry Fandom & Pornography Addiction: Interview with Joey

*The real name of our interviewee has been changed to “Joey” to protect his privacy. Many thanks to him for sharing his insights, and props for his recovery! By Floyd Godfrey, PhD... Read More »

The Spiritual Cost of Pornography Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD A Subtle Slide into Sensory Dullness Pornography addiction is an escalating concern within our communities, not solely for its moral implications but for its profound... Read More »

Guidance for Fathers Talking to Their Sons about Puberty and Sexuality

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Talking to your teenage son about puberty and sex can feel awkward, but it's essential for building a relationship capable of addressing these important topics.... Read More »

The Impact of One’s Beliefs and Perceptions on Depression

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Depression is a pervasive issue, impacting millions worldwide, and the beliefs and perceptions one holds can significantly influence both the onset and the progression of this... Read More »

Shame Keeps Teens Hiding in Pornography Addiction

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In my years of working with teenagers grappling with pornography addiction, one pervasive element I've consistently encountered is shame. This shame is profound and... Read More »

A Christian Parent’s Response Upon Discovery Your Child is Viewing Pornography

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In today’s digital age, discovering that a child has been exposed to or experimenting with pornography can be deeply unsettling for parents. This sensitive situation... Read More »

How Pornography Preferences Reflect Emotional Undercurrents

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Pornography consumption is not just an act of seeking pleasure but often a complex mirror reflecting deeper emotional and psychological needs. For many individuals battling... Read More »

A Christian Approach for Parents – Talking to Your Kids About Sexuality

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In today's rapidly shifting cultural landscape, the necessity for parents to engage thoughtfully with their children about sex from a Christian perspective has never been... Read More »

The Neurological Impact of Long-term Pornography Use

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Long-term pornography use has significant effects on the brain, especially in teens whose brains are still developing. Research by Dr. Don Hilton and other professionals... Read More »

How Antidepressants Work in the Brain

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Antidepressants are among the most commonly prescribed medications worldwide, reflecting their crucial role in managing depression and other mood disorders. Understanding how... Read More »

Isolation and Pornography Addiction: A Spiritual Perspective on Recovery

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In tackling the spiritual crisis of pornography addiction, it is essential to understand the profound role of isolation in fostering such behaviors. Addiction, particularly to... Read More »

Erectile Dysfunction: Understanding Causes and Navigating Solutions

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent issue that impacts a significant number of men worldwide. Its influence on self-esteem and confidence can be profound, often leading to... Read More »

Emotional Impact on Teens Who are Bullied or Harassed

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Bullying and harassment among teenagers are pervasive issues that significantly impact their mental and emotional well-being. These negative interactions can lead to lasting... Read More »

Pornography Addiction and Neuroscientific Insights: A Spiritual Response

Floyd Godfrey, PhD The escalating prevalence of pornography addiction poses a formidable challenge, not just to individuals but to entire communities. A recent study published in the Frontiers in... Read More »

Pain of Secrecy: Addressing Teen Shame and Suicidality in the Context of Pornography

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Teenagers grappling with the shame and confusion induced by secretive pornography consumption or sexual temptations face profound psychological distress. This distress can... Read More »

How Antidepressants Can Help in the Struggle Against Sex Addiction

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Sex addiction, a pervasive issue affecting numerous individuals globally, poses a substantial challenge to mental health professionals and those directly experiencing its... Read More »

How Social Media Impacts Our Mental Health

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Social media has woven itself into the very fabric of daily life, affecting how we interact, communicate, and even perceive ourselves and others. While it provides invaluable... Read More »

Neuroplasticity: A Beacon of Hope in Pornography Addiction Recovery

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In today's digital age, pornography addiction is an increasingly prevalent issue that affects countless individuals. Don Hilton, a renowned expert in this field, has... Read More »

The Impact of a Teenager's Beliefs and Perceptions About Themselves on Depression

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Adolescence is a critical period marked by intense physical, emotional, and social changes. As teenagers navigate these tumultuous years, their beliefs and perceptions about... Read More »

The Impact of Early-Life Traumatic Experiences on Well-being

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Traumatic experiences in early life, such as abuse, neglect, or witnessing violence, are profoundly impactful on an individual’s psychological and emotional well-being.... Read More »

Porn Addiction Recovery and The Need for Patience in the Process

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In the challenging landscape of porn addiction recovery, patience stands out as a crucial yet often underestimated element. The process of recovery from pornography addiction... Read More »

Parents Falling into a "Fear Cycle" After Discovering Their Son's Pornography Addiction

Floyd Godfrey, PhD The prevalence of pornography addiction in youth presents unique challenges for parents, often inducing intense fear and anxiety. This emotional turmoil, known as the... Read More »

Trauma in False Accusations: A Spiritual Perspective

Floyd Godfrey, PhD For those serving in ministry, encountering individuals who bear the scars of false accusations is not uncommon. Such accusations can lead to deep-seated trauma, affecting the... Read More »

The Purpose in Pain

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Life, for all its beauty and joy, is often full of pain and discomfort. Many of us have wondered why God allows us to face challenges that sometimes seem insurmountable. Yet,... Read More »

The Prevalence of Porn Addiction in Christian Communities and Churches

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Pornography addiction, especially within Christian communities, has become a topic of significant concern among church leaders. Given the digital era's broad accessibility... Read More »

Emotional Wounds on Teenage Boys and Porn Addiction Recovery

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In today's digital world, porn addiction recovery has become a significant concern for mental health professionals, as pornography is highly accessible to teenagers.... Read More »

Prevalence of Pornography Addiction in Various Regions Around the World

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD North America In North America, especially in the United States, the prevalence of pornography is quite high, with studies indicating varied usage among different... Read More »

Peer-Driven Child Abuse: A Disturbing Trend and Prevention Strategies

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Child abuse remains a critical concern worldwide, but the source of this abuse might not always be who you expect. Surprisingly, up to 70% of child abuse cases involve peers... Read More »

Faith Amidst Trials: Lessons from My Mennonite Brothers

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In April 2024, I had the profound privilege of spending time at a retreat designed to assist men facing various life challenges. This event was not just any gathering but one... Read More »

A Guide to Detecting Narcissism in a Therapist

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Seeking therapy is a brave step towards self-improvement and healing. However, the therapeutic journey can be significantly hindered if the therapist, who is supposed to be... Read More »

Forms of Denial and Mental Health: Overcoming Barriers in Christian Culture

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Understanding Denial in Christian Contexts In Christian circles, mental health often becomes entangled with spiritual practices, sometimes leading to significant forms of... Read More »

Depression and the Shadows of Shame

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Navigating through the darker times of life, I've often reflected on how closely shame and depression are interlinked. The genesis of some depressive episodes, I believe,... Read More »

Treatment for Pornography Addiction Through the Lens of Attachment Disorder

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Pornography addiction, a challenging and often misunderstood affliction, can profoundly impact individuals' emotional and relational health. Rooted in the seminal work of... Read More »

The Challenge of Pornography in Spiritual Life

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In the realm of spiritual growth and personal development, few obstacles are as pervasive and challenging as the consumption of pornography. This issue not only affects... Read More »

Testimonial of a College Student and His Struggle with Porn Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD *Names and identifying information have been redacted to maintain the privacy of this young man. "Throughout my teenage years and into college, I've been... Read More »

A Parent's Guide to Treatment for Porn Addiction: Navigating Troubled Waters with Love and Logic

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD As parents, it's easy to fall into a 'fear cycle' when we discover that our teenager may be struggling with behaviors like porn addiction. The immediate gut... Read More »

Fantasy Style of Escape in Treatment of Porn Addiction

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Pornography addiction is an increasingly prevalent issue, offering a fantasy escape that can be particularly alluring for individuals grappling with stress and trauma.... Read More »

Exhibitionism and Problematic Sexual Behavior: An Overview

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD Over the past two decades, I’ve dedicated my professional life to understanding and treating sexually compulsive behaviors, including the challenging journey to... Read More »

Children Traumatized When They Discover Their Father’s Pornography Addiction

Floyd Godfrey, PhD The digital era brings many advantages but also some significant challenges, especially in terms of family and psychological health. One pressing issue is the trauma children... Read More »

Mentor Support During Treatment for Pornography Addiction Among College-Aged Men

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In the transition from adolescence to adulthood, young men in college face numerous challenges, not least of which is the battle with pornography addiction. It's a pivotal... Read More »

The Fading Brotherhood: Rediscovering Deep Connections Among Christian Men

Floyd Godfrey, PhD The essence of brotherhood and deep connections among men has gradually eroded in American culture. This shift away from intimate friendships and supportive relationships is... Read More »

Understanding the Furry Phenomenon within the World of Pornography

Floyd Godfrey, PhD The emergence of the furry phenomenon within the world of pornography represents a unique and complex intersection of subculture, sexuality, and digital media. Origins of... Read More »

The Spiritual Path to Recovery for Teens and Mental Health

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In the challenging journey of addressing mental health issues among adolescents, incorporating a spiritual connection with God offers a profound and often untapped resource... Read More »

The Transformative Power of 12-Step Programs in Addiction Recovery

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Addiction is a pervasive challenge that affects individuals and communities across the globe, leaving a trail of broken relationships, lost potential, and spiritual emptiness... Read More »

Rewiring the Prefrontal Cortex: Integrative Treatment for Porn Addiction

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Porn addiction not only disrupts one's daily life but also profoundly affects the brain's structure, specifically the prefrontal cortex, which is essential for... Read More »

How Social Difficulties Foster Porn Addiction in Teens

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Teens facing social difficulties often find themselves at a higher risk of falling into the trap of pornography addiction. The digital allure of pornography offers an illusion... Read More »

Fostering Brotherhood Among Christian Young Men: A Path Through Adversity

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Adolescence is a pivotal time for young men, marked by significant physical, emotional, and spiritual growth. During this formative period, the craving for connection,... Read More »

When Boys Are Molested by Women: Unspoken Abuse

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD The prevailing narrative surrounding sexual abuse often portrays adult males as perpetrators and young girls as the victims. This portrayal, while statistically significant,... Read More »

Christian Parents Preparing for the “Sex talk” with Children and Teens

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In a world where conversations about human sexuality are often skewed by media and societal pressures, Christian parents face the daunting task of guiding their children... Read More »

The Crucible of Leadership: Navigating Moral Challenges and Isolation in Ministry

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In the journey of Christian leadership, pastors, priests, and church leaders are on the frontline of spiritual guidance and morality. Yet, this path is often fraught with... Read More »

The Coolidge Effect: Addressing Pornography Addiction in College-Age Students

Floyd Godfrey, PhD The Coolidge Effect, defined by the propensity for animals—and humans—to seek novelty, plays a critical role in the understanding of pornography addiction,... Read More »

Good Nutrition: A Cornerstone in Recovery for Sex and Pornography Addiction

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In the realm of recovery for sex and pornography addiction, the importance of good nutrition cannot be overstated. While therapy and psychological interventions form the... Read More »

Sexual Confusion Around the World

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Sexual confusion is a phenomenon that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries. As both a Board Certified Christian Counselor and a Clinical Sexologist, I have had the... Read More »

Voyeurism and Voyeuristic Tendencies

Floyd Godfrey, PhD Voyeurism manifests when an individual gets sexual gratification from observing unsuspecting people who are undressing, naked, or engaged in sexual activity. This behavior has... Read More »

Why Your Teenage Son Hesitates to Disclose His Pornography Addiction

Floyd Godfrey, PhD The deep silence that shrouds the issue of pornography addiction among teenagers, particularly sons, is heavily laden with shame. This shame, a pervasive feeling of being... Read More »

The Impact of Pornography on Children and Teens: A Guide for Parents

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In the age of digital proliferation, the exposure of children and teens to pornography is an increasingly prevalent issue. This unregulated encounter with adult content sends... Read More »

Juvenile Sex Offense: From Victim to Perpetrator in Child Abuse

Floyd Godfrey, PhD The complex dynamics of child abuse often reveal a painful cycle where victims may transform into perpetrators, particularly among older children and teens. This phenomenon,... Read More »

Guided by the Spirit in Counseling: Integrating Faith and Psychology

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In the journey of counseling, the intertwining paths of spiritual guidance and professional intervention create a unique roadmap towards healing and understanding. This... Read More »

Marriage is Not a Treatment for Pornography Addiction

Floyd Godfrey, PhD In a world increasingly aware of the complexities of sexual addiction, a common misconception lingers: that marriage, with its promise of regular sexual intimacy, can serve as... Read More »

Erectile Dysfunction and Pornography Addiction: Unveiling the Connection

Dr. Floyd Godfrey In recent years, the surge in pornography consumption has raised significant concerns among health professionals about its impact on sexual health, particularly among young men.... Read More »

A Christian Perspective on Accountability Partners for Sex and Pornography Addiction

By Dr. Floyd Godfrey In the journey toward healing and sobriety from sex and pornography addiction, the value of accountability cannot be overstated. Within the Christian community, we recognize... Read More »

The Hidden Struggle of Christian Leadership: Navigating Moral Failings and Isolation

Dr. Floyd Godfrey Christian leadership, by its very nature, is a calling that demands not just spiritual stewardship but also a high moral compass. Pastors, priests, and church leaders, tasked... Read More »

Understanding and Providing Appropriate Help for Juvenile Sex Offenders

Dr. Floyd Godfrey Juvenile sex offending is a complex and sensitive issue that demands our focused attention and compassion. It is not only about addressing the behavior but also understanding... Read More »

The Path to Recovery for Teenage Boys with Problematic Sexual Behaviors

Dr. Floyd Godfrey The journey of adolescence is complex, marked by various physical, emotional, and psychological developments. For some teenage boys, this period is further complicated by the... Read More »

Understanding Teen Loneliness in High School: A Growing Concern for Parents

Dr. Floyd Godfrey High school can be a pivotal time in a teenager's life, filled with both exciting milestones and significant challenges. Among these challenges, loneliness stands out as a... Read More »

The Silent Struggle: Understanding Human Loneliness and Its Impact on Mental Health

Dr. Floyd Godfrey In the tapestry of human emotions, loneliness stands out as a uniquely pervasive and profound experience, cutting across the arbitrary boundaries of age and life stages. This... Read More »

What is PTSD and How Does it Happen?

Dr. Floyd Godfrey The phenomenon of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) represents a significant aspect of mental health that impacts millions of Americans. With a combination of insightful... Read More »

Overcoming Pornography Addiction with Effective Use of Porn Blockers and Filters

Dr. Floyd Godfrey The pervasive reach of internet pornography has escalated concerns about its impact on mental health, particularly in the context of pornography addiction. This article delves... Read More »

Understanding Clinical Depression and Unveiling the Underlying Factors

Dr. Floyd Godfrey Clinical depression, often perceived through the lens of persistent sadness and loss of interest, is a complex condition influenced by a multitude of factors. Unlike the... Read More »

Supporting Teenage Boys Overcoming Sexual Abuse and Pornography Addiction: A Path to Healing

Dr. Floyd Godfrey In an era where the digital landscape shapes much of our learning and interaction, the prevalence of pornography and its accessibility pose significant challenges, particularly... Read More »

Breaking Free from Pornography Addiction: Overcoming Shame and Finding True Acceptance

By Floyd Godfrey, PhD   In the journey to overcome pornography addiction, many men grapple with a deep-seated belief that underpins much of their struggle: "No one would love me the... Read More »

The Pervasive Impact of Sexualized Media on Youth

Dr. Floyd Godfrey The digital age has ushered in unprecedented access to content, significantly influencing the developmental landscape for young people. Amidst this digital deluge, a concerning... Read More »

Prevention and Understanding: Navigating the Path Away from Suicide

Dr. Floyd Godfrey Recognizing the Signs of Suicidal Thoughts Suicide remains a significant public health issue in the United States, touching the lives of people across all demographics.... Read More »

Pornhub's Departure from Texas: A Beacon of Hope in Combating Pornography Addiction

Dr. Floyd Godfrey In an unprecedented move that has sent ripples through the realms of digital media and public health, Pornhub, one of the most visited adult content websites, has officially... Read More »

Cognitive Habits That Generate Anxiety: A Deeper Understanding for Professionals and Individuals

Dr. Floyd Godfrey Anxiety, a pervasive concern in both clinical and everyday settings, often roots itself in cognitive habits that distort our perception of reality. Professionals working in... Read More »

Resolving Curiosity: Educating Young Men on Sexuality and Pornography

Dr. Floyd Godfrey In an era where the digital landscape is rife with accessibility to explicit content, teenage boys are navigating through a crucial phase of curiosity and exploration. This... Read More »

Navigating Through Styles of Addiction in Sex and Pornography Addiction

By Dr. Floyd Godfrey The journey toward overcoming sex and pornography addiction is a path fraught with challenges and deep psychological underpinnings. Recognizing the specific "styles of... Read More »

The Church's Role in Supporting Men Overcoming Pornography Addiction

Dr. Floyd Godfrey In an era where digital content is incessantly at our fingertips, pornography addiction has burgeoned into a pervasive issue, notably among Christian men within the church. This... Read More »

Depression and Pornography Addiction: Navigating the Dual Struggle

Dr. Floyd Godfrey The intertwining of depression and pornography addiction presents a significant challenge for many individuals, drawing attention from counselors, coaches, and mental health... Read More »

Guiding Your Child Through Toxic Shame and Pornography Addiction

Dr. Floyd Godfrey Pornography addiction, especially among adolescents, is a concern that has escalated in the digital age, presenting unique challenges for families. Understanding the... Read More »

How I Hid My Pornography Addiction From Parents

By Floyd Godfrey *The name Kyle has been used in this story to protect the identity of this young man. Hi, I'm Kyle, a Christian teenager, and I want to share a part of my journey... Read More »

Virtual Reality and Pornography Addiction: Navigating New Challenges

Dr. Floyd Godfrey The emergence of virtual reality (VR) technology has transformed various sectors, including entertainment, education, and now, more concerningly, the realm of pornography. As... Read More »

When Parents Discover Their Child Has Been Sexually Abused

Dr. Floyd Godfrey In the wake of discovering a child has been subjected to sexual abuse, parents are often engulfed by a tumult of emotions: anger, guilt, despair, and confusion. It's a... Read More »

Supporting Teenage Boys Who Have Been Sexually Abused

Dr. Floyd Godfrey Sexual abuse among teenage boys is a critical issue that requires our immediate attention and action. Statistics indicate that 1 in 6 boys under the age of 18 experiences... Read More »

Navigating the Shadows of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Dr. Floyd Godfrey Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) remains a critical issue impacting the lives of countless individuals long into adulthood. Recognizing its prevalence and the signs of abuse is... Read More »

Why is Pornography So Addicting?

by Dr. Floyd Godfrey   Understanding the Allure The magnetic pull of pornography largely stems from its ability to hijack the brain's reward system. This hijacking is akin to the... Read More »

Navigating the Maze: Overcoming the Sexual Addiction Cycle Through Education and Therapeutic Intervention

By Dr. Floyd Godfrey The intricacies of the sexual addiction cycle, particularly as it pertains to pornography addiction, present a significant challenge for many individuals. This cycle,... Read More »

Guiding Our Sons Through the Maze: Talking to Teenage Boys About Pornography

By Floyd Godfrey In a world saturated with digital content, one of the most challenging conversations Christian fathers can have with their sons is about pornography. The internet has made... Read More »

Ten Indicators of Sex or Pornography Addiction

By Dr. Floyd Godfrey In my years of clinical practice, I've encountered many individuals struggling to escape the grip of sex or pornography addiction. This addiction can silently... Read More »

A Christian Perspective on Discussing Sex and Pornography with Your Teens

By Floyd Godfrey   In a world where the tide of information is unceasing and the waves of societal change constantly crash upon the shores of our homes, Christian parents find themselves... Read More »

Adult Support for Christian Boys Fighting Against Pornography Addiction

By Dr. Floyd Godfrey   The Importance of Parental Oversight For many Christian teenage boys, the concept of having parents or guardians "check" their phones might seem... Read More »

The Challenges of Sextortion and Pornography Addiction Among Teens

Dr. Floyd Godfrey   The digital age has brought with it a myriad of challenges, especially for our teenagers. Among these, sextortion and pornography addiction have emerged as significant... Read More »

Breaking Free: The Joy of Overcoming Pornography Addiction

Dr. Floyd Godfrey   The journey away from the clutches of sex and pornography addiction is not merely a path toward abstaining from harmful behaviors but a gateway to profound joy and... Read More »

When Teenage Boys Are Gaslighting Parents About Their Pornography Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey   In the digital age, the accessibility of online content has led to an increase in pornography addiction among teenagers, particularly boys. This addiction often goes... Read More »

The Complexities of Sex and Pornography Addiction as an Attachment Disorder

Dr. Floyd Godfrey   Sex and pornography addiction are increasingly recognized as complex issues that extend beyond mere behavioral problems, delving deep into the realm of attachment... Read More »

Maintaining Faith Through the Journey: Overcoming Pornography Addiction

Dr. Floyd Godfrey   The Prevalence of Pornography Addiction In today's digital age, pornography addiction has emerged as a significant challenge affecting many, including those... Read More »

Lean into the Pain: A Guide to Recovery from Sex and Pornography Addiction

By Dr. Floyd Godfrey   Embracing Discomfort for Growth In the journey towards recovery from sex and pornography addiction, the path is often strewn with challenges that test our... Read More »

Breaking the Secret: Teenagers with a Pornography Addiction

By Floyd Godfrey   I know talking about stuff like pornography addiction can feel really awkward, especially when it's something you're dealing with personally. You might feel... Read More »

Navigating Gender Identity: Understanding and Support for Those Considering Detransition

Dr. Floyd Godfrey   In recent times, the discourse around gender identity and transgender experiences has grown significantly. Alongside this, an emerging narrative of individuals... Read More »

The Dangers of Pornography Addiction: Recognizing and Overcoming a Hidden Struggle

By Floyd Godfrey   In an era where digital content is at our fingertips, pornography addiction has emerged as a pressing concern, posing significant dangers to mental health,... Read More »

Understanding Gender Confusion: Insights from Walt Heyer's Journey

By Floyd Godfrey *This article explores the complex issue of gender confusion through the lens of Walt Heyer, an individual who publicly shares his journey through gender transition and regret,... Read More »

Gaslighting, Teenage Boys, and Pornography Addiction: A Guide for Parents

By Floyd Godfrey   In the digital age, pornography addiction has become an increasingly prevalent issue among teenagers, particularly boys. This addiction often remains hidden, cloaked in... Read More »

Healing Betrayal Trauma Amidst Pornography Addiction

Dr. Floyd Godfrey   In today's digital age, the shadows of pornography addiction cast long and often unseen tendrils into the lives of many, affecting not just those ensnared by its... Read More »

How to Stop Sex and Pornography Addiction: A Path to Recovery

By Floyd Godfrey   In today's digital age, the accessibility of pornography has led to an increase in sex and pornography addiction, affecting individuals' mental health and... Read More »

A Teenager’s Freedom from Pornography Addiction: Kyle's Journey

By Dr. Floyd Godfrey   In the heart of a society increasingly entangled in the web of digital consumption, the story of Kyle, a high school student, shines as a beacon of hope and... Read More »

Anxiety and Sex or Pornography Addiction: Unraveling the Tangled Web

Dr. Floyd Godfrey   The prevalence of sex and pornography addiction is a growing concern among mental health professionals. These addictions often coexist with anxiety-related issues,... Read More »

Understanding Trust Issues in Pornography Addiction

By Dr. Floyd Godfrey   The journey of overcoming pornography addiction is as much about healing the heart as it is about breaking the habit. At the core of many addiction stories lies a... Read More »

The Impact of Early Childhood Exposure to Pornography on Neurological Development and Adult Pornography...

By Dr. Floyd Godfrey   The digital age has ushered in unprecedented access to pornography, with increasingly younger audiences finding it within reach. This early childhood exposure to... Read More »

Understanding the Sexual Addiction Cycle and Overcoming Pornography Addiction

By Dr. Floyd Godfrey   In the realms of mental health and recovery, few topics are as pervasive and challenging as the sexual addiction cycle and pornography addiction. This article aims... Read More »

Pornography Addiction, Toxic Shame, and Spirituality

By Floyd Godfrey   In the modern digital age, the challenge of pornography addiction is increasingly prevalent among many, including Christians. This addiction is not only a physical or... Read More »

Exploring the Styles of Pornography Addiction: Arousal, Satiation, and Fantasy

Dr. Floyd Godfrey   The digital age has seen the rise of many conveniences and advancements, but it has also ushered in challenges, notably in the realm of pornography addiction. This... Read More »

Guiding Christian Fathers on Addressing Pornography Addiction within Families

Dr. Floyd Godfrey   In today's digital age, Christian fathers face the challenging task of discussing sensitive topics like pornography with their sons. The prevalence of internet... Read More »

Crafting Powerful Small Groups for a Lifetime Impact in Christian Teen Ministry

By Floyd Godfrey *To watch my presentation on this topic: YouTube.   In the landscape of Christian teen ministry, the creation of small groups stands as a pivotal element in... Read More »

Facilitating Meaningful Discussion in Small Groups for Christian Teen Ministry

By Floyd Godfrey *To watch my presentation on this topic: YouTube.   As stewards of young souls in Christian teen ministries, our aim goes beyond mere gatherings; it's about... Read More »

Group Cohesion Dynamics – Powerful Small Groups in Teen Ministry

By Floyd Godfrey *To watch my presentation on this topic: YouTube.   Group cohesion is the lifeblood of effective small groups in Christian teen ministries. It fosters a sense of... Read More »

Transparency in Teen Ministry: Fostering an Environment of Openness

By Floyd Godfrey *To watch my presentation on this topic: YouTube.   As pastors and volunteers dedicated to nurturing the spiritual growth of our Christian youth, understanding and... Read More »

Building Confidentiality and Trust in Christian Teen Ministries

By Floyd Godfrey *To watch my presentation on this topic: YouTube.   In the sacred journey of nurturing faith among young believers, small groups within Christian teen ministries serve... Read More »

The Hallmarks of an Effective Small Group Leader in Teen Ministry

By Floyd Godfrey *To watch my presentation on this topic: YouTube.   In the heart of every vibrant youth ministry lies a network of small groups, each a microcosm of the larger... Read More »

Withdrawal Symptoms in the Battle Against Pornography Addiction

By Dr. Floyd Godfrey   Overcoming pornography addiction is a significant challenge for many, marked not just by the effort to break free from habitual behaviors but also by the withdrawal... Read More »