Floyd Godfrey, PhD


The Importance of Fathers in Raising Sons with Integrity and Strength

Dr. Floyd Godfrey

The challenge of raising sons to be men of responsibility and integrity is profound. In a culture where fatherhood can be undervalued, Christian fathers are called to embrace their God-given role with purpose and determination. McConnell reminds us of the weight of this task, stating, “The challenge of preparing a son to be a man of responsibility and integrity is great” (O’Donnell, 2011, p. 17). Fathers hold the unique position of guiding their sons toward becoming men who can lead their families and communities with faith and resilience.

The Father’s Role in Character Formation

A father’s influence profoundly shapes a son’s character. McConnell emphasizes, “We are talking about raising balanced, healthy young men who have a strong inner core, who are not emotionally crippled and unable to love and lead their families” (O’Donnell, 2011, p. 19). This inner strength is forged not merely through discipline but by modeling a life of integrity. This includes teaching sons how to navigate life’s moral and spiritual challenges. A father’s consistency in values and actions provides a roadmap for his son, showing him how to act with courage and faith when faced with adversity.

More Than a Provider

Fathers are often seen as providers, but their role extends far beyond financial support. McConnell highlights, “As fathers who want to give our sons what they need, you and I must understand the full range of our fathering responsibilities. Fatherhood is more than bringing home a paycheck. It is more than the curiously old-fashioned idea of being the disciplinarian of the home” (O’Donnell, 2011, p. 22-23).

A father’s active presence in his son’s life is critical. Whether it’s sharing daily moments, guiding through prayer, or providing wisdom, these actions affirm a son’s worth and set a foundation of love and security. Fathers who embody this principle invest deeply in their sons’ spiritual and emotional health, preparing them for life’s demands.

Encouragement and Vision

Fathers play a crucial role in cultivating their sons’ vision for the future. By encouraging their sons to see themselves as leaders and men of integrity, fathers inspire confidence and purpose. A father’s encouragement can empower his son. The journey of fatherhood is one of great challenge and greater reward. As fathers build relationships with their sons, they reflect strong love and guidance, to embrace the values of responsibility, faith, and love.

Floyd Godfrey, PhD, is a Board Certified Christian Counselor and has facilitated groups within different churches and denominations over the past 30 years. He worked as a licensed clinician for 23 years and provided supervision and training for other counselors as they worked toward independent licensure. You can read more about Floyd Godfrey, PhD at www.FloydGodfrey.com.


O’Donnell, M. A. (2011). What a Son Needs From His Dad - How a Man Prepares His Sons For LIfe. Bethany House.


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