Floyd Godfrey, PhD


The Coolidge Effect: Addressing Pornography Addiction in College-Age Students

Floyd Godfrey, PhD

The Coolidge Effect, defined by the propensity for animals—and humans—to seek novelty, plays a critical role in the understanding of pornography addiction, particularly among college-age students. This demographic, characterized by a developmental drive for new experiences and excitement, finds itself particularly vulnerable to the allure of pornography due to its infinite variety and instant accessibility.

Understanding the Drive for Novelty

The natural quest for novelty and stimulation among young adults is not inherently problematic; it is a crucial aspect of their psychosocial development. However, when coupled with the unrestricted availability of online pornography, this drive can escalate into addictive behaviors. As Dr. Doug Weiss points out, the internet has created an environment where the novelty once sought in interpersonal relationships can now be pursued virtually and endlessly, exacerbating the risk of addiction.

Strategies for Intervention and Education

Addressing pornography addiction in college students requires a dual approach: intervention and proactive education. Intervention strategies, as developed by experts like Dr. Kim Buck and John Hinson, often involve cognitive-behavioral therapy which helps individuals understand and alter the thought patterns that contribute to their addictive behaviors. Educational strategies, on the other hand, aim to inform students about the risks of their behaviors and the long-term consequences of addiction.

The Role of Therapeutic and Coaching Interventions

Therapeutic interventions are essential for managing and overcoming pornography addiction. These interventions often combine therapy with coaching techniques to help individuals develop healthier ways to satisfy their need for novelty. Encouraging participation in sports, social clubs, and creative endeavors offers healthy alternatives that fulfill the psychological need for new experiences while diverting attention away from harmful habits.

Empowering Recovery and Resilience

It is essential to foster an environment of support and encouragement for college-age individuals struggling with pornography addiction. Highlighting success stories and recovery pathways can inspire hope and motivate engagement with treatment programs. As they learn to replace their compulsive search for novelty with positive and enriching experiences, they build resilience against the underlying triggers of their addictive behavior.

Floyd Godfrey, PhD is a Clinical Sexologist and a Certified Sex Addiction Specialist. He has been guiding clients since 2000 and currently speaks and provides consulting and mental health coaching across the globe. To learn more about Floyd Godfrey PhD, please visit his website: www.FloydGodfrey.com

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