
God’s Commandments Are Not Arbitrary Rules

By Dr. Floyd Godfrey

In our daily lives, it’s easy to question the purpose behind God’s commandments. Some may perceive them as restrictions or arbitrary rules. However, God’s words of wisdom are designed not to manipulate or control but to protect us from personal, spiritual, and mental harm. As Zach Clinton aptly notes, “When we dabble in things outside the proper, God-ordained boundaries, bad things happen” (2024a, p. 42). These guidelines are an extension of His deep love for us, offering the tools we need to live fulfilling lives.

The Gift of Choice

God created humanity with the power to choose, giving us free will to navigate life’s challenges. While this freedom is a profound gift, it comes with the responsibility to consider the consequences of our actions. When we choose paths outside of God’s ordained wisdom, the results can be devastating. As Clinton explains, “The problem is, when dabbling, most never think it will turn into something that gets out of control. They can handle it, they think, ignoring the challenge of Proverbs 6:27” (2024a, p. 43). Proverbs 6:27 warns, “Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned?” This scripture poignantly illustrates the inevitable consequences of stepping beyond God’s boundaries.

God’s commandments are not about limiting our experiences but shielding us from the spiritual, emotional, and physical harm that comes from sin. His guidance helps us avoid destructive behaviors and relationships that can derail our faith and purpose.

Commandments as Protection, Not Restriction

Many view commandments such as “Do not steal” or “Do not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:15, 20:14) as moral obligations. However, they are also protections. These principles prevent harm to others and shield us from guilt, broken relationships, and the erosion of integrity. When we choose to obey, we align ourselves with God’s plan, allowing His peace to reign in our hearts.

Consider God’s design for family and marriage. By following His blueprint, we cultivate environments where love, trust, and faith flourish. Conversely, violating these boundaries can lead to broken homes, emotional wounds, and societal instability. God’s commandments safeguard these sacred bonds, ensuring we build lives rooted in His wisdom.

Healing Through God’s Guidance

When we inevitably fall short, God provides a path to redemption through His grace. Repentance and realignment with His will restore our relationship with Him. The Bible reminds us in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” This promise underscores God’s desire for our happiness and health, even when we make mistakes.

Therapeutic interventions, informed by Christian values, often emphasize the importance of boundaries. Counseling based on biblical principles can help individuals recognize the value of God’s commandments and rebuild lives damaged by sin.

Obeying God’s commandments brings us closer to Him, fostering joy and stability in a chaotic world. While the path may not always be easy, it is one paved with divine wisdom and love.

Floyd Godfrey, PhD, is a Board Certified Christian Counselor and has facilitated groups within different churches and denominations over the past 30 years. He worked as a licensed counselor for 23 years and provided supervision and training for other counselors as they worked toward independent licensure. You can read more about Floyd Godfrey, PhD at

Clinton, Z. (2024a). Even If - Developing the Faith, Mindset, Strength and Endurance of Those Who Are Built Different. American Association of Christian Counselors Publishing.


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