Floyd Godfrey, PhD


Lean into the Pain: A Guide to Recovery from Sex and Pornography Addiction

By Dr. Floyd Godfrey


Embracing Discomfort for Growth

In the journey towards recovery from sex and pornography addiction, the path is often strewn with challenges that test our limits. However, it is within these moments of discomfort that growth becomes possible. Embracing pain, rather than avoiding it, is a critical step in healing. This approach demands what psychologists refer to as "grit"—the resilience and determination to persevere despite difficulties.

Understanding the Pain

The pain associated with addiction recovery is not merely physical; it's deeply psychological. It stems from confronting the underlying issues that led to addiction in the first place. This might include dealing with past trauma, addressing current relationship issues, or facing personal insecurities. The process is often hard and painful, but it's necessary for true healing.

Expanding the Window of Tolerance

One key concept in recovery is the "window of tolerance," which refers to the range of emotional and psychological states that an individual can comfortably manage. For successful recovery, this window must be expanded to include uncomfortable feelings, emotions and thoughts. Avoiding pain only reinforces addiction patterns. By gradually exposing oneself to discomfort in a controlled and therapeutic setting, individuals can increase their resilience and reduce the power that addiction holds over them.

The Role of Grit in Recovery

Grit plays a crucial role in this process. It's the driving force that keeps individuals moving forward, even when the journey gets tough. Recovery is not about never falling; it's about learning how to get up each time you do. Grit means embracing the pain as a part of the process, understanding that each challenge overcome is a step closer to freedom.

Hope and Healing

Despite the difficulties, recovery from sex and pornography addiction is possible. It requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to lean into the discomfort that comes with growth. This journey, although hard, leads to a destination of self-discovery, healing, and ultimately, freedom from addiction.


Recovery is a testament to the human spirit's capacity to overcome. It's a journey of not just moving away from addiction but moving towards a more fulfilling life. With the right support and a willingness to face the discomfort head-on, individuals can rebuild their lives, restoring relationships, trust, and self-worth. There is hope, and with each step forward, even when it involves leaning into the pain, the path to recovery becomes clearer and more attainable.

Dr. Floyd Godfrey is a clinical sexologist and has been guiding clients since 2000 who struggle with pornography and sexual addiction. He is a founder of the SABR program for adults, Tribe for college, and Band of Brothers for teens at the Family Strategies Counseling Center serving families in the area of Scottsdale and Mesa, Arizona. He currently speaks and provides consulting and mental health coaching across the globe. To learn more about his services, please visit his website: www.FloydGodfrey.com

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